Elecsys Corporation

The Product: Elecsys Connect

Elecsys Connect represented an enhanced version of the legacy Watchdog Remote Monitoring system. This platform enabled customers to manage and monitor their cathodic protection devices in the field in real-time. Moreover, Elecsys Connect was specifically designed to support additional services, including street light monitoring and well pump control.

My primary responsibility involved supporting the Development Team in creating a design system and prototypes for the redesign of the Watchdog legacy software. I collaborated closely with stakeholders to conceptualize workflow improvements and transformed those ideas into prototypes. Upon gaining approval for these prototypes, I worked in partnership with the front-end developer, providing spec sheets to facilitate his work.

Adobe Illustrator
Axure 8
The team I worked with:
  • 1 Product Owner
  • 1 Development Manager
  • 4 Backend Developers
  • 1 Front-End Developer
  • 1 Mobile Developer

iOS/Android Application

A year into the development of the desktop web application, the company expanded its team by hiring a Mobile Developer to create an Elecsys Connect app. Given the complexity of the desktop application, we adopted a different approach for the mobile app to ensure a more mobile friendly user experience. We concentrated on optimizing the app for use in the field or away from desks, taking into consideration the unique conditions of mobile usage. While retaining core functionalities of the desktop app such as viewing data, alerts, and messaging, we enhanced the mobile app specifically for field teams by integrating features like map coordinates, hardware installation, and unit tracking.